Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The Recipe Box By, Viola Shipman (Wade Rouse)

What a delightful read with recipes! Whenever I choose a book, I always review the back cover to see the Author, so I have a sense of who they are, a 'visual' while I am reading. There is no photo of this author on the cover and no bio. I googled Viola Shipman and its a Pen Name for Wade Rouse! He chose his grandmother's name.

Samantha "Sam" Mullins grows up and out of northern Michigan to become a classically trained pastry chef.  She leaves behind a multi generational family apple orchard with a pie shop. She leaves to find her place in the sun in NYC. She soon becomes disillusioned while working for 'Chef Dimples' a reality star chef. When she can no longer tolerate his ability to both embarrass and insult her, she reluctantly returns to her family in Michigan.

Once there. she feels 'at home' working with her Mother Deanna and grandmother, Willow. They share recipes and stories. As a result, Sam learns about the history of the orchard and begins to recognize its meaning and significance and the impact it has had on her life.

Once she returns, Sam does feel the pull again to leave and return to NYC. She struggles with the comfort of home and whether she wants to carry on the legacy of the family apple orchard or establish her self as pastry chef in NYC.

Each chapter brought a pearl of wisdom from the grand matriarch Willow, who was fused with 'sugary wisdom' which was a constant reminder of the value of living a slower paced life, and the value of family and an exquisite bite of apple pie, where the apple was picked off the vine, the day before.

In the words of Willow to Sam, "You bake for someone because it is an act of love. And that is renewed each and every time a favorite recipe is made."

Other Books By Viola Shipman:

The Summer Cottage 2019
The Hope Chest 2017
The Charm Bracelet 2016

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