In the Village of Fenway England, 1942, Ambrose Hart is looking for a radio host for the BBC radio program, "The Kitchen Front." The show's creators, are desperate to provide a realistic portrayal of the wartime era. They illicit of the help of four local women, to compete in a cooking contest, creating dishes with a limted amount of rationed ingredients. The winner receives the title, which is paid position, as a host of the radio show.
The culinary creativity of these four women are astounding, from eggless cake to sheeps head roll to whale meat pie. Four women who are initially adversaries, find strength and wisdom in one another, discover that there is never truly one winner.
The Author based the book on recipes found in the National Archives of London, and cooking books she found from that era. The four characters are based on the lives of four women, a kitchen maid at age 14, who worked in a manor house. Audrey is based on a young widow with small children who struggled financially; she kept a journal which is available today. Lady Gwendoline was a cooking writer for Marguerite Patten. Fanny Craddock was a professional chef who had a cooking show in the 1960's.
Unlike other historical World War II books, based on spies, soldiers and life on the battlefield. This book brought to life, the backstory of women, often left widowed, struggling with their own personal war to live, and support their families in desperate times.
Also by Jennifer Ryan:
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