Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Botanist's Daughter By, Kayte Nunn

Interesting, intriguing read. This book is based on Historical fiction and could best be described as a botanical mystery. The story is told from 2 different POV's, with transposing timelines.The search is on for the illusive Devils Trumpet, which could prove to be a perilous journey. 

The book takes place in Victorian England 1886 and present day, Australia. In 1886, Elizabeth Trebithick is determined to fulfill her father's dying wish to find a rare plant, which has the power to heal. Elizabeth considers this to be her destiny and risks a sea voyage and a near detah illness, to travel as a single femaile. She enlists the help of her maid, Daisy to accompany her from Cornwall England to Chile. The two unassuming females embark on a dangerous, tracherous journey that sets the stage for a fascinating, colorful botanical adventure.

In 2017, Anna a gardener, is renovating her grandmother's house, when she discovers a hidden box of botanical paintings, a diary and seeds. Anna is driven to discover the legend of this mystery, by travelling to Cornwall England, to unravel the tale. 

The Author does an excellent job, interweaving the tales, and I enjoyed the botanical references. I found both stories, equally fascinating and they kept my interest through the entirety of the book.

The introduction to the book is a quote from, Pablo Neruda:"I love you as the plant that never blooms but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers."

Other Books by Kayte Nunn:

The Last Reunion March 2021

The Forgotten Letters of Esther Durrant March 2020

The Silk House June 2020

Angel's Share May 2017

Rose's Vintage March 2016

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